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Management for 
Enterprise Teams 

Flight planning, compliance & maintenance automation software for company drone teams. Highly flexible for advanced Chief Pilots, and simple enough to make any team member an active & compliant pilot.

Glencore drones

Across 34 sites and 300 pilots, FlyFreely has become the cornerstone of our RPAS Management system. I no longer must maintain plethora of paper & spreadsheets. I have a single source of information, and an excellent partner to work with.

Andrew Sutherland, Chief Remote Pilot
Fly Freely LinkedIn Posts (1)

"FlyFreely’s biggest drawcard was that they can use the field app offline, and have it automatically sync when connectivity is
restored. This eliminates the need for double-handling information, a significant problem with competing products."

Marcin Bal, Chief Remote Pilot
Fly Freely LinkedIn Posts (3)

“It has improved the accountability within our
team out of sight. They know that if they’re going to fly a drone at Seymour Whyte, they’re going to follow the reporting requirements to ensure our operations are as safe and efficient as possible.”

Tom Williams, Chief Remote Pilot
Fly Freely LinkedIn Posts (4)

“FlyFreely helps us plan for a job and while our
team is on site. What was once a convoluted and time-consuming process is now straight-forward because everyone knows what they need to do.”

Josh Williams, Director of Aviation
Fly Freely LinkedIn Posts (5)

“Having the ability to export all the data I
need, without having to worry about my legal
obligations, is great. FlyFreely has saved us 1 hour of work a day - o12% of our daily operating time"

Ruapu Maka, Chief Remote Pilot
Our Focus

Make it easy for your whole company to use drones.

Operations and Compliance
Make any employee a part-time-pilot

Enable your team to fly compliant missions at the click of a button. 

  • Single page mission planning form with all data in one place
  • Regulation driven workflows that automatically introduce required forms and checklists
  • Dedicated mobile app with automatically populated workflow that shows required checklists
  • Automatically capture and upload flight logs
  • Automatic flight log analysis
  • Automatic updating of pilot, craft and equipment flight times
The FlyFreely Platform

Easy access anywhere, at any time. 

No matter if you are the Chief Remote Pilot in the office, a Remote Pilot in the field or an IT professional, FlyFreely will keep your whole team flying and compliant. 

office app
Office App

Browser / Web based app to plan, approve and reconcile missions. Access all program admin activities. 

field app
Field App

Native mobile app (Android or iOS). Plan instant missions, complete forms, capture flight logs, approve missions on the fly. Works offline for full flexibility.


The fully featured FlyFreely API enables connections between your existing Enterprise systems to build coherent end-to-end solutions that can scale globally.

Score App landing page
Smart Controller App

FlyFreely integrates into DJI smart controllers. Enabling pilots to check airspace, plan missions, complete forms and auto-sync flight logs - all from the controller. 

Fast & painless setup

Moving from a paper-based system, or transitioning from an existing drone platform? FlyFreely has a support team of experienced pilots to help you get set up and flying instantly. 

FlyFreely can scope & configure your workflows, update your operations manual, guidance on certification & training, and work with your Chief Pilot on a training and roll out plan for your team. 

Risk Free Deployment
Future proof your company

Start, Scale & Sustain
Your company drone team today

Airspace Authorisations

Airspace, aerodrome and NOTAM data.

CASA Verified Safety App 

Civil Aviation Safety Authority approved.

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Configurable Workflows

Simple workflows for all mission types.

Work Offline
Work Offline

Fly offline and auto-sync when in coverage.

Automated Flight Logging

Pull data directly from your drone post-flight.

Conformance Monitoring

Notifications of breaches & compliance history.

Multi Jurisdictions

Create accounts across international airspaces.

Currency Management

Track all pilot training and certification records.

Maintenance Schedules

Set conditional or time based schedules.  

Drone IQ
Drone IQ

The FlyFreely platform is a one-stop shop for me where I can access airspace data, NOTAM's, conduct detailed mission planning and automatically capture flight logs.

Tye Cotter, Director

We chose FlyFreely to support our training and commercial operations. The team are knowledgeable, experienced and have made the transition to an online platform a seamless experience.

Rob Lednor, Operations Manager
Real Property Photography
Real Property Photography

FlyFreely has helped our business
to effectively manage all of our drone
operations and Franchisee Partners across Australia.

We are excited to use FlyFreely as we expand into NZ.

Nik Leigh, CEO
In good company

Trusted Globally

Join the growing list of world class companies using the FlyFreely platform to simplify and maximise drone usage across their companies. 

Take off today

Start, scale future proof your drone operations with ease.

Experience FlyFreely today, obligation-free.

Take off today